Govtech4Impact World Congress

Most governments worldwide are immersed, to a greater or lesser extent, in the digital transformation of their internal processes and public services, and Kenes Group, a consulting firm specializing in high-level conferences, took the initiative to organize an international event that would bring together all the actors involved in this transformation. To carry out this ambitious project, they associated Gobe as a knowledge partner to form a committee of experts, design all the content programming, manage the relationship with the speakers and seek strategic partners.
The Govtech4Impact World Congress will be attended by representatives from all continents in the political and public official spheres, as well as technology companies and startups, in addition to leading academics from the most prestigious universities in the world. Over the three days of the Congress, 10 plenary sessions and 37 concurrent sessions will be held, both in various formats: keynote speakers, panels and fireside chat.
Qué hicimos
Identifying opportunities and alliances
When Kenes Group contacted us, we identified a unique opportunity to promote the global digital transformation agenda and position Madrid as an outstanding technological hub. We obtained institutional support from the Madrid City Council and other Spanish institutions to collaborate together towards this goal.
In turn, we have obtained the support of international strategic partners such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the BidLab, Lisbon Council and the Agency for
Innovation from Lithuania.
Curator of the event
As a knowledge partner of the event, we have established an Expert Committee, forged alliances with strategic partners, and we are designing the
contents and panels in order to ensure the participation of all stakeholders at the global, regional, national and local levels.
We have defined six thematic pillars around which to design the content:
1. Digital transformation as a tool to address the greatest challenges faced by citizens.
2. Governance and institutions.
3. Building resilient public sector infrastructure.
4. Reinventing the design of public services based on user experience.
5. Intelligent and data-based public services; 6. the opportunity of the govtech ecosystem in improving public services.
Based on these lines, 48 panels have been prepared with more than 150 high-level speakers.
Instituciones involucradas

En los medios
Govtech4Impact World Congress
Congreso Internacional Govtech4Impact