SPRI, Gobierno Vasco

Boosting Public Sector Innovation in the Basque Country: BIND GovTech

BIND GovTech: Open innovation and acceleration for startups collaborating with entities of the Basque Government, promoting digital transformation and entrepreneurial public procurement in the public sector of the Basque Country.
Boosting Public Sector Innovation in the Basque Country: BIND GovTech
SPRI, Gobierno Vasco
Enero 2024 - Enero 2025
Personas responsables
Sofia Silva Carballido
Presupuesto base de licitación
Web del proyecto
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BIND GovTech is an open innovation and acceleration initiative that seeks to foster collaboration between start-ups and entities dependent on the Basque Government, promoting innovation and the transformation of processes and services.

Qué hicimos

public teams
startup applications
piloted innovations
trained public employees


Through BIND GovTech, startups will face the technological challenges of public companies in the Basque Country (EJIE, ELIKA, EUSTAT, EVE, HAZI, IHOBE, PARKE, SPRI y SPRILUR), through open innovation projects. The selected startups will be able to implement their solutions in real environments, collaborating with one or more companies in the public sector of the Basque Country with a prototype project."

This initiative offers startups the opportunity to work on real projects in response to the identified challenges. The selected startups get a reference client in the public sector and access to training to be competitive in the process of selling to the public administration.

4 goals

  • Development of internal dynamic capabilities: Open innovation process and Digital Academy
  • Articulation of the govtech ecosystem: govtech accelerator integrated in the open innovation process
  • Encouragement of entrepreneurial public procurement (CEP): Procurement support for institutions and startups
  • International visibility of BIND: Access to international networks in the govtech field

During the project, each public company identified and prioritized the following GovTech challenges. For each challenge, a selection process was carried out to choose the winning startup that piloted its solution for six months.

9 govtech challeges

  • How could we control access to EJIE buildings while minimizing user interaction with mobile solutions and physical cards, and excluding biometric data? | Winning startup: Ironchip
  • How could we revalue non-human food surpluses by facilitating their identification and categorization, and generating data that allows us to take action to reduce them or measure their economic value? | Winning startup: Recircular
  • How could we automate the normalization and coding of postal addresses from external sources to integrate the information into our system? | Winning startup: Trebe
  • How could we optimize the scheduling of inspection appointments and/or the design of routes to maximize the number of inspections carried out while minimizing internal management and execution time? | Winning startup: Itcons.app
  • How could we automate the collection of information about events, conferences, and/or sessions from different organizers in the agri-food and forestry value chain, as well as the promotion of rural and coastal areas, to disseminate it to interested stakeholders? | Winning startup: Whitebox
  • How could we encourage the use of green procurement and public contracting criteria through an information visualization tool and thus also reduce the number of inquiries received? | Winning startup: Data-ka
  • How could we visualize the information we have in our various databases in a unified and accessible manner for all PARKE areas to improve internal operations and customer service? | Winning startup: Human Trends
  • How could we evaluate the impact of EJ-GV/SPRI aid programs through the automatic extraction of internal data, its visualization, analysis, and the integration of external sources to identify trends and generate conclusions? | Winning startup: Agile Impacts
  • How could we, in a context of working with infrastructures and land, obtain and collect data in a comprehensive, reliable, structured, and automated manner from internal and external sources to facilitate investment decision-making? | Winning startup: Woza Labs

Instituciones involucradas

SPRI, Gobierno Vasco

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