Comisión Europea

Crossing borders with GovTech4All

The first knowledge-sharing and collaboration incubator for all govtech initiatives in the European Union.
Crossing borders with GovTech4All
Comisión Europea
Personas responsables
Laura Kirchner
Presupuesto base de licitación
Web del proyecto
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The European consortium GovTech4All launches the first incubator for knowledge exchange and collaboration for all govtech initiatives in the European Union.

The aim is to promote the development of technological solutions that respond to the challenges and needs of public administrations and the digitization of social services at the European level.

The initiative, which is funded by DG Connect's Digital Europe Program promoted by the European Commission, is a four-year collaboration to innovate the way governments deliver digital services to citizens. The project is led by the Lisbon Council. In the first phase (2023 - 2025) 3 different projects are being developed:

  • GovTech Startup Challenge. Partners: Gobe (España), Lithuanian Public Innovation Agency (Lithuania), Brön Innovation (Sweden), GRNET (Greece), Beta-i (Portugal) and Oficina Digital del Ayuntamiento de Madrid (España).
  • Secure information in cross-border data spaces. Partners: Lantik (España), GRNET (Grecia), DINUM (Francia), ICTU Foundation (Países Bajos) and AMTEGA (España).
  • Helping EU citizens obtain social benefits with personal regulation assistants. Partners: ICTU Foundation (Países Bajos), GRNET (Grecia) and DINUM (Francia).

Qué hicimos

leading organizations in public innovation
involved European countries

Leadership and design of the methodology‍

We lead the GovTech Startup Challenge pilot, which will implement for the first time a common govtech open innovation process with the participation of at least five European municipalities, including Madrid. To this end, we designed a methodology for the govtech open innovation process that will allow the 5 participating cities to define challenges in the field of energy efficiency and pilot innovative solutions from govtech startups that respond to these challenges.

Entrepreneurial Public Procurement‍

In the context of Madrid, we are promoting and designing the application of innovative forms of procurement such as the one that allows the Design Competition (Art. 183 of the Public Services Procurement Act).

Instituciones involucradas

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En los medios

EU bets on interoperable digital government services with its new incubator GovTech4all

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