Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Govtech Madrid open innovation project

The Madrid City Council is moving forward with its Govtech strategy, within the Madrid Digital Capital strategy.
Govtech Madrid open innovation project
Ayuntamiento de Madrid
November 2022 - November 2024
Personas responsables
Inma González
Elena Baroja Cabero
Presupuesto base de licitación
Web del proyecto
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The city council, within its Madrid Digital Capital Strategy, decided to bet on Govtech, being one of the pillars of the digitization of services.

Qué hicimos

identifies challenges
piloted innovations
areas of Ayuntamiento de Madrid
presented startups

Govtech Open Innovation

Based on our own govtech open innovation methodology, we define challenges with public teams, activate the govtech entrepreneurial ecosystem to receive proposals for solutions from startups, scaleups and digital SMEs. Of the 6 challenges we identified, we facilitated the piloting of these solutions in 3 of them. For this, we have public policy experts, service designers and scouters (who actively search for the best solutions for each defined challenge).

Solutions are managed in a dedicated space on the Open Gobe open innovation platform.

Some of the themes of the challenges have been to improve the collection and quality of data for decision making in internal management and public infrastructures (parks, sports facilities...), energy efficiency, improvement in the management of social services or a better management and experience of the city's tourism and cultural activities. These are some of the challenges defined:

  • How can we improve the management and decision-making regarding the green areas and/or parks in the city of Madrid, by having more information about the users?
  • How can we know who uses them, how, and for what purposes?
  • How could we enhance the productivity of the Directorate General for Seniors by leveraging the data generated by its teams?
  • How can we improve the quality of the data available at the Madrid City Council and develop a true data-driven work culture?
  • How can we process and utilize, in an integrated and comprehensive manner, information from different channels and internal or external sources about what is happening in the city?
  • How can the services of Madrid's sports facilities be adapted to the needs and concerns of current or future users?
  • How can we visualize and analyze energy efficiency by cross-referencing different data sources to estimate and validate consumption, billing, savings, and emissions?
  • How could we turn the information generated by tourism and cultural leisure activities in Madrid into relevant data for designing more personalized and sustainable tourism strategies?
  • How could we provide spontaneous and personalized information about the city's heritage and urban landscapes?
  • How could we manage all of Madrid's cultural programming to have a global view that allows us to make better decisions?
  • How could we offer personalized recommendations on both public and private cultural programming in the city of Madrid?
  • How could we systematize the registration of participants in museum activities and guided tours?
  • How could we enhance the experience of users of municipal museums by providing digital and audiovisual support?

Govtech Academia

During the implementation of the govtech lab, we developed a training offer that complements the practical experience. It is aimed at the teams that own the challenges and has the objective of leaving innovation capabilities in the teams. Additionally, we organize bootcamps aimed at startups to learn how to work and collaborate with public institutions.

Open work

We make all the work developed visible so that they help to develop more innovative solutions and define new challenges. In addition, we propose a new way of communicating innovation from the public sector.

Instituciones involucradas

Ayuntamiento Madrid

En los medios

Madrid, Capital Digital

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